- Before this class, I thought about (play, game design) like this:
- I didn’t realize there was so much formal theory that surrounded the concepts of play and game design. It was really interesting to learn that there existed so many distinct elements, principles, and frameworks that all discuss what it means to play and build good games. I was under the impression the process was much more loose or freeform.
- I did these things and experienced these learnings
- These class concepts stuck with me…
- MDA—I thought the connection between the three was interesting, and it was cool to figure out which combination of mechanics created the dynamics and aesthetics we experience in game.
- I implemented them into my work by…
- Especially in P2, there was a lot of thought put into how we design our puzzles and the mechanics around them to bring out the narrative aesthetic we were aiming for.
- These class concepts stuck with me…
- I experienced these challenges
- Handling all the deliverables involved such a fast-paced design process, especially in a team setting, was challenging
- I grew in this way
- I think I know a lot more about how games are built and function in general. I also feel like my skills as a designer have improved.
- Next time (or, if I keep working on my games) I will
- Continue to center the player experience and think about what I as a designer can incorporate to achieve the effect I aim to have on the player