kids on merrygoround

Project 1: Those Who Play, Teach

Final Delivery: January 24rd, 11:59pm.

Overview: Games are increasingly looked at as a education tool. Explore teaching a skill or a body of knowledge (What started WW1? How does gravity/evolution work? What’s the history of gay rights? How does probability work?) with a game. Game will be for undergraduate college students (to make it easy to playtest.)

Media: Tabletop (Board, card, etc)

Concept Statement:

I plan to design a game to teach _____ for _(Player Type, Number)_. I believe it will include these kinds of fun: _____. My learning outcomes are _______.  I will measure them by ______. I want to do this kind of game because ________. Games similar to this are __________. My biggest concern is___________.


During 2A: Form teams, develop concept statement, create raw prototype

Due 2B:  Concept statement. Playable prototype that has been tested 2+ times, < 3 minute presentation

During 2B: Give < 3 minute presentations. Refine game, test

Due 3A: Refined game (refine by doing 1 or more playtest with outsiders)

During 3B: Final playtest: teaching team will assess games during class



Documentation is submitted on this blog.

  • Overview: 250-500 words on your intent (Concept Statement as prose)
  • Photos of “Packaging” (Optional for 2% extra credit on the assignment)
  • Rules – Must be written, and must include story background etc. The game must be playable with the written rules alone (i.e. no help from the creator)
  • Game Bits (board, cards, die, etc etc)
  • Assessment: One page (250 words) on what assessment goals you chose and how your collected playtest metrics compared to your goals.
  • History
    • Versions of game, with notes on what changed and why
    • Photos/video clips of gametesting, with list of how many people played in and what demographics they had (M/F, age, background)
  • Link to a “print at home” version (PDF). It includes
    • Rules
    • Any printable materials (like cards or a board)
    • A guide to non-printable materials
  • A final playtest video, so I can see the gameplay. You could also make a “how to play” video as well, but this is optional.



  • Fun/Engaging (via watching the game and/or seeing a playtest.) 30%
  • Meets Learning and Assessment Objectives: 40%
  • Documentation: 20%
    ** playtesting issue documentation
    ** learning goals assessment
  • Iteration documentation
  • Craft (no packaging, just smart choices with what they have.) 10%

(subject to change)