Final Reflection Essay December 12, 2023 CS377G is not only the first game design class I have ever taken but also my first HCI class at Stanford. My previous experience…
P3: Reflection November 29, 2023 Designing “Truth or Troll” has been an incredibly fun experience. Our team initially struggled to grasp the concept of a system game, partly because…
P3: The Game of Unexpected Consequences November 28, 2023 Game: Truth or Troll Group Member: Gwendolyn Liu, Max Murrell, Hannah Kim, Pannisy Zhao Please see this link to access our final documentation.
P3: Playable first draft November 15, 2023 Our initial prototype was not really a system game. For the new prototype, we have developed a collection of headlines, a mix of real…
Mind Map + Writeup: Working With System Dynamics November 15, 2023 Mindmap: Write-Up: The game we are designing simulates the action of “retweeting” and explores how misinformation and fake news spread and intensify on the…
P3: Concept Map – Truth or Troll November 14, 2023 Having completed two concept maps, we noticed that they are quite similar. Specifically, for our chosen system—news accounts publishing news on social media—we researched…
Sketchnote: Playtesting formally October 27, 2023 A Primer for Playtesting by Nathalie Pozzi and Eric Zimmerman
Sketchnote: Rise of the Video Game Zinesters October 25, 2023 Chapter 1: The Problem with Videogames Chapter 7: By Your Bootstraps
The Rhetoric of Video Games October 24, 2023 The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost Animal Crossing as Example: models how the redistribution of wealth works in our current economy where…
P2: Map and premise October 18, 2023 Premise: Think about the algorithm of our current social media, which adjusts its feed according to your previous watches and preferences, from political viewpoints,…
P1: Those Who Play, Teach – Bugs and Drugs October 13, 2023 Game Designer: Alex Youssef, Chinat Yu, Elyse Cornwall, Gwendolyn Liu Overview When you get sick, would you ever wonder about the teeny-tiny critters making…
Precision of Emotion: A New Kind of “Fun” Approach in Educational Games October 6, 2023 Precision of Emotion: A New Kind of “Fun” Approach in Educational Games Fun is learning is the beginning, not the end! It’s fun, but…
Bugs and Drugs: Playtest Feedback 1 October 5, 2023 Team: Bugs and Drugs (Gwendolyn, Elyse, Chinat, Alex) 10/05 class playtesting Instructions: instruction was not very clear. Include demo round quickly. Infection zone was…
Introducing Serious Games October 5, 2023 I played “Spent,” a single-person, web-based game developed by McKinney in collaboration with Urban Ministries of Durham. In this game, the player assumes the…
Games, Design and Play: Elements September 30, 2023 1. Identify the basic elements in a game of your choice (actions, goals, rules, objects, playspace, players). Game: 2048 Actions: The player can slide…