CS 377G: Final Reflection December 12, 2023 I enrolled in this class as a way to understand how to build things, whether games or other kinds of products, that are both…
Sketchnote/Response: The Mechanic is the Message December 5, 2023 The idea that experiential learning is the product of aligning mechanics with values has really been obvious in the design of our P4 game….
Sketchnote/Response for Rules & Tutorials December 1, 2023 My favorite takeaways from the Mike Selinker’s “Writing Precise : “Call the thing what it is… Placing intermediary names for things in the way…
P3 Reflection November 29, 2023 Going into making our game about the credit score system, I thought the most important part would be to make every mechanic’s impact on…
Mind Map + Writeup November 10, 2023 My group is working on a game that models the credit score system. The values in our game are financial “responsibility” and fairness,…
Tiny Playable Prototype: Ca$h or Credit November 9, 2023 In-game Notes: Players, especially non-Americans, had lots of questions about what a credit score was to begin with. First player immediately used credit to…
P2 Writeup: Assurance November 3, 2023 Play the game here: https://hamburglar14.itch.io/assurance Writeup at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O2IjSXq3wGKeVz70zb0vuLGBl9db7aka/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116557062532282104491&rtpof=true&sd=true
The Rhetoric of Video Games October 25, 2023 Toy Model / Representation Animal crossing creates a debt loop via by combining the obligation to pay of one’s mortgage with the opportunity to…
P2: Tiny Playable Prototype October 19, 2023 I abandoned my original idea after banging my head against the wall for a couple of days trying to figure out how to make…
P2: Map & Premise October 16, 2023 Premise: Players awake in the dark Forest of Falsehoods, a place filled with bottomless rabbit holes and infinite echo chambers. Players must collaborate (or…
Precision of Emotion: A New Kind of “Fun” Approach in Educational Games October 6, 2023 Defining Fun The previous definition of Fun was “Fun is Learning.” But WTF is learning? Lesson 1: Kids are smarter than you The…
Team 1: Play Testing Feedback October 5, 2023 Feedback from play testing on 10.5.2023 Movement across the board is boring. We should consider introducing multidirectionality. This could be motivated by a pacman…
Writeup: Introducing Serious Games (“EteRNA” October 3, 2023 EteRNA by Rhiju Das and Adrien Treuille EteRNA is a game about RNA folding, allowing players to learn how base pairs combine to change…
Games, Design, & Play: Elements September 28, 2023 Sketchnotes Exercises 1. Identify the basic elements in a game of your choice (actions, goals, rules, objects, playspace, players). My game of choice is…