Checkpoint 1: Concept Doc (Individual)

Emotion 1: contemplative.

Emotion 2: serene. 

Emotion 3: Serendipitous

Direction 1:

Premise: You awake from an eternal slumber in the middle of a forest. Lost in its beauty, you walk around and stumble upon a talking squirrel that tells you that you are the chosen one. Confused, (especially because you don’t recall understanding Squirrels) you agree to help him restore balance to the forest because you sense that he genuinely means every word he says. Seriously, the squirrel is the most genuine being you’ve ever met. Every level you free a different animal (and gain its power), in the final level, you use all of the powers to find and restore the essence of the forest (the player never gets to see what it is, only a beam of light)

fun: Discovery, Challenge,

Narrative: Embedded (mystery)


Direction 2: 

Similar forest situation, but you can switch between the spiritual realm and the forest world. This way, in order to solve a puzzle, one must actively think about what to do in each realm, and how they affect the other one. 


Direction 3: 

The Player is the chosen one by the forest. Here, the game takes a turn towards RPG styles, where they would have to level up and focus on skill trees in order to defeat the final forest boss (which could very well be evil humans!)




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