Critical Play: Judging and Getting Vulnerable – Eugene

Although this isn’t a game review, gets a HARD vouch for being one of the littest co-op games available online (amid the COVID-19 pandemic, I chose to focus on this subject instead of paying attention during online classses). is designed for a broad audience, encompassing all ages who enjoy casual, social drawing and word-guessing games – it is particularly appealing to groups of friends, family gatherings, and casual gamers/onliners. was developed by ticedev, a developer known for creating engaging multiplayer online games. Since it’s hosted on an ‘io’ website, it makes it widely accessible on various devices with browser functionality, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones. sets itself apart from other games in its genre through its simplistic yet engaging gameplay that combines drawing with word guessing – essentially online Pictionary. Its accessibility and easy-to-learn mechanics make it a standout choice for casual gamers seeking quick entertainment; however, it could benefit from enhanced features that regulate player interaction and increase game complexity for seasoned players.


  • One of’s strengths is its simple interface and game mechanics, which allow players of all ages and skill levels to participate without prior gaming experience. However, this simplicity can sometimes lead to repetitive gameplay, which may not hold the interest of more competitive or hardcore gamers.
  • The chat feature in enhances player interaction by allowing guesses and real-time feedback. This can be both a positive aspect and a source of issues, as unrestricted chat can sometimes lead to inappropriate behavior. Implementing better content filters or moderated chat options could improve the experience. Also, misspellings can inadvertently assist other players in guessing the word more quickly. This can be seen as both a flaw and a feature. For players less skilled in spelling, this might detract from their enjoyment and competitiveness in the game. Conversely, it adds an element of unpredictability and humor to the game, which can enhance the fun. From my personal experience, the interaction among players when a misspelling occurs is often entertaining. It leads to a flurry of quick guesses that capitalize on the mistake, intensifying the competitive aspect of the game. However, it can also cause frustration or embarrassment for the player who made the error, affecting their experience negatively.

“I fat-fingering the word ‘depressed’. The misspelled word shows for everyone in chat, which people can use to their advantage — can be fun but also aggravating >:(“

  • Unlike Dixit or Cards Against Humanity, which rely heavily on physical cards and player proximity,’s digital format allows for a more diverse and global player base. However, it lacks the depth of strategy seen in games like Dixit, where players must choose more abstract and thought-provoking clues.

Integrating ideas from game design theories, such as the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics (MDA) framework,’s mechanics (drawing and guessing) create dynamic experiences of competition and cooperation among players, leading to the aesthetic experience of amusement and fellowship. To enhance these experiences, incorporating game elements like scoring bonuses for unique drawings or faster guesses could align better with the game’s mechanics and dynamics, promoting more strategic play.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Introducing difficulty levels or themed rounds could cater to both beginners and advanced players, keeping the game challenging and engaging.
  • Improved algorithms or moderated sessions could help mitigate inappropriate content, making the game more family-friendly.
  • A more sophisticated reward system that not only rewards correct guesses but also creative drawings could enhance the creative aspect of the game.

“Personally would’ve wanted to give bonus points to the artist here…”


  • Allowing players to toggle an “assist mode” that either helps with spelling or not could cater to both casual players and those seeking a more ‘pure’ guessing challenge. This customization would let the game appeal to a broader audience by accommodating different skill levels and preferences.

By addressing these areas, could further differentiate itself from other games in its genre and enhance its appeal to a wider audience.

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