Sketchnote – loops and arcs

I really enjoy a game called transformice which is a keyboard operated online game where you are a mouse trying to get to some cheese. It definitely has a loops archetechture as there is a lot of strategy to the game, but you must learn it through trying out different commands and mainly watching others play. For instance, your only movement commands are to move around with arrow keys, but you can activate certain techniques like climbing a wall by “wall jumping” away and back onto it, or walking backwards by jumping, hitting a down key, and hitting a key in the opposite direction that you were facing. In the game there are a few other buttons you can play, but these commands are flashed across the screen tutorial style which leans more into the arc archetecture of being presented information rather than stumbling upon a mechanic during gameplay. Like I said, you learn the most techniques by watching others, and there is a chat where you can talk to people, so I wonder if this sometimes replicates the arc style of another agent in the game passing along information onto you

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