Hi All! I’m Seamus — I use he/they pronouns.
I’m a huge fan of tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons! There’s just something special about collaboratively crafting a story with your friends that I love. I’m a little biased as to my favorites within the genre, though, as I’ve made a few myself. Among them are Ashen Lands (a post-apocalyptic fantasy game about finding hope in the darkness), Blood & Wine (a game about Victorian vampires using the core mechanic from the card game BS), and Trail of the Behemoth (a fast, action-packed game about fighting epic monsters). That last one I published, and you can check it out on DriveThruRPG!
Recently, I’ve returned to a long-term obsession of mine: Starcraft II. Anytime I am having trouble focusing, am feeling anxious, or otherwise am having Too Many Thoughts™, playing Stacraft, which involves a lot of fast-paced multitasking, gets me into a wonderful flow state. The learning curve is steep, but I can’t recommend it enough.