Final Class Reflection

Entering this game design class, I had limited knowledge and experience in game design. My perceptions of play and game design were rather simplistic, viewing games merely as a form of entertainment. 247G allows me to explore the intricacies of game design, understand the importance of iteration and playtesting, and inspire to creating immersive gaming experiences.

Before this class, I thought about play and game design solely in terms of enjoyment and escapism, which are all ideas we talk about in class. I always thought game design was a magical process reserved for skilled programmers and designers with years of experience. However, my outlook began to change as our class introduce various aspects of game design, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this creative process.

Throughout the course, I really enjoy in-class activities to gain insights that shaped my understanding of game design. And it’s very fun form of “going to class”! One of the most significant lessons I learned was the iterative nature of game development. Through prototyping and continuous refinement, we must have countless iterations to make improvements. This process of constant iteration allows designers to refine gameplay mechanics, enhance immersion, and address player feedback effectively.

What I love about our class is it emphasized the importance of playtesting. By observing how players interacted with the games I designed, I gained insights into what worked and what needed improvement and allows me to fine-tune my games to cater to their needs. This user-centric approach helped me create more engaging and enjoyable experiences for players.

Implementing the concepts I learned into my work was both challenging and rewarding. Despite having zero Unity coding experience at the beginning, I immersed myself in tutorials and online resources to acquire the necessary skills. Slowly but steadily, I grasped the basics of Unity and began developing my first game prototype. The iterative approach I adopted allowed me to experiment with various gameplay mechanics and refine them based on player feedback.

Balancing gameplay mechanics to ensure both challenge and enjoyment was particularly demanding. I had to strike a delicate equilibrium that engaged players without overwhelming them. Additionally, managing time constraints and meeting deadlines proved to be a test of my organizational and time management skills. However, each challenge served as an opportunity for growth, pushing me to refine my problem-solving abilities and adapt to unexpected hurdles.

I grow a lot when working for on projects in this class. My confidence in game design tasks increased, and my ability to analyze and address player feedback became more refined. Moreover, I developed a deeper appreciation for the collaborative nature of game development. Through group projects and playtesting sessions, I learned the importance of teamwork and effective communication in creating impactful gaming experiences.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to continue my journey in design and eager to refine my skills further and create more immersive and innovative games. I plan to continue iterating and playtesting my projects, seeking feedback from a diverse range of players. Additionally, I aim to expand my understanding of game design by exploring advanced concepts such as narrative design and level design, and by studying successful game titles that have captivated players.

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