3 Emotions: whimsical, bubbly, enchanting

Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4lRyk1Vamgm61WKbU4zx5G?si=5beb4df0d85144ac


Direction 1

You wake up in the middle of a forest, separated from all of your belongings (axe, shovel, shoes, etc). The beauty and wonder of the fall forest is contrasted heavily with the fact that you are severely hungover from a long night of drinking and celebration in your forest village. And, you’re lost. While you were partying, you got separated from your village. You must find your things and get back to your village.

This game is a 2d pixel platformer that focuses on abilities/power ups. Each item you find you can then use to make the platforming more fun/easier, as the levels get harder. 

Fun: obstacles, challenge, and a little discovery

Narrative: embedded


Direction 2

Similar concept, but instead of your “belongings” that end up being player abilities, abilities and power ups are centered around the animals of the forest. So, for example, instead of having a shovel let you dig under certain terrains in the map, you would meet a groundhog who gifts the player the ability to dig underground. This seems to be the direction we will go with for the final game.

Fun: obstacles, challenge, discovery

Narrative: embedded


Direction 3

Similar main idea to 2, but the player can choose which animals to interact with. Thus, this affects the abilities the player has to use. For example, if they don’t talk to the groundhog, they won’t get the ability to dig in certain terrain. However, since they chose to talk to the spider, they can now use webs to swing over obstacles instead of digging under them.

Fun: challenge, obstacles, discovery

Narrative: embedded AND emergent

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