Checkpoint 1: Individual Deliverable

Emotions: Eerie, haunting, mysterious 

Mood Board


Spotify Playlist:


Concept 1: You’re a kid on the playground and notice that the toys are going missing. The stuffed toys and action figures you played with are disappearing but you don’t know why. You soon realize that the toys are being kidnapped and are being ruled by an evil toy acting as a mysterious dictator.  Can you help your beloved toys escape? And can you reveal the identity of and defeat the evil toy ruling them? You encounter different obstacles as you try and save your toys while also finding out more about the evil dictator. This is loosely based on Toy Story 3 and therefore is an embedded and evocative narrative. The types of fun in this game are narrative and challenge.  


Concept 2: This concept is loosely based on Jumanji. You are a teenager exploring your old elementary school years after graduating. You go into a storage room and are rummaging around, nostalgic for different times. You see a box that is marked important and open it up. There’s a board game inside and the cover features interesting characters. Thinking nothing of it, you open it up and start to read the instructions — it’s a game where players have to escape a carnival. Before you know it, you are stuck in the game and the carnival looks familiar…it is one you went to frequently as a child. Through a series of small games and puzzles, you must find your way to the end of the game in order to enter back into the real world. The types of fun in this game are narrative and challenge. It is an embedded and evocative narrative. 


Concept 3: You are a detective that has been hearing rumors of weird occurrences near a toy store — doors have been left ajar despite employees locking up, items go missing and reappear and more. You investigate the security cameras and don’t find any answers. You keep talking to sources and decide to lie in wait one night in the store. To your surprise, the toys come alive. And they’re not friendly. Through a series of interactions with toys as well as games, you must navigate your way out of the store. Not all the toys are friendly – do you know who to trust? Can you navigate your way out? The types of fun in this game are narrative, challenge and fantasy. It is an embedded narrative. 

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