Critical Play: Bluffing, Judging and Getting Vulnerable…

Name of game: Apples to Apples

Creator: Mattel

Platform: Physical card game, online versions available

Target audience

Apples to Apples is suitable for ages 12+ and is a popular party game among families, teenagers, and young adults. It appeals to players who enjoy word association, creativity, and lighthearted competition.

Critical formal elements

Apples to Apples is a multilateral competition involving four to ten players. The game is played in rounds, with one player acting as the judge each round. The judge selects a green card, and the other players choose a red card from their hand that they think best matches the green card. The judge then selects the card they think fits best, and the player who submitted the winning card receives a point. The game continues with players taking turns as the judge.

The main objective of Apples to Apples is to outwit other players by submitting the most appropriate or humorous response (a red card) that matches the given prompt (a green card) provided by the judge. The game focuses on creativity, humor, and social interaction. The game’s outcome is non-zero-sum, as players earn points throughout the game, and the winner is the player who accumulates the most points.

The game has a set of rules and procedures that must be followed. Players start with a hand of red cards and take turns acting as the judge. The judge selects a green card, and the other players choose a red card from their hand that they think best matches the adjective on the green card. The judge then evaluates the red cards and selects a winner. The game continues until a predetermined number of points is reached, or a set number of rounds is played. Additionally, in Apples to Apples, players have access to a deck of red cards and a deck of green cards. Players draw and submit these cards as responses to the prompts provided by the judge, and the judge selects a winner based on their criteria. Check the photo below for specific rules, procedures, and resources:

Last but not least, the boundaries in Apples to Apples are established through the magic circle, where players step into the game’s social environment and become immersed in its rules and procedures. These boundaries are known, portable, and established by the game’s creators.

Kinds of fun

Apples to Apples offers a blend of fun experiences that cater to different aspects of enjoyment. Players find fellowship as they work together to create entertaining and thought-provoking connections between adjective and noun cards, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition. The game provides a light challenge, as players need to predict the judge’s preferences and discover new associations between words. Additionally, it encourages self-expression and a touch of creativity when justifying their card choices, allowing players to reveal their unique perspectives and senses of humor. As a casual and accessible game, Apples to Apples serves as a relaxing pastime for players to unwind and enjoy quality time with friends or family, offering an engaging way to disengage from the stresses of everyday life.

Why does this game work? How could it be improved?

Apples to Apples works because it is a simple, accessible, and enjoyable game that can be played by a wide range of ages and backgrounds. It encourages players to use their imagination and wit, resulting in a light-hearted and engaging experience. However, I also noticed some areas of improvement while playing this game. For instance, we got bored after playing for 5 rounds because there were only two types of cards and did not include many challenges while playing the cards. Thus, to improve the game, more diverse and inclusive card sets could be introduced, as well as themed or expansion packs to keep the game fresh and engaging.

Comparison to other games in its genre

Compared to other games in the party game genre, Apples to Apples is more family-friendly and focused on creativity and humor. It is less controversial and more accessible than games like Cards Against Humanity, making it a versatile and enjoyable option for various gatherings. In terms of gameplay, it is similar to games like Dixit and Snake Oil, where players create associations between cards and try to appeal to the judge’s preferences. Apples to Apples is not necessarily better or worse than other games in its genre, but its family-friendly nature and accessibility make it a popular choice for many players.

How vulnerable do you need to get?

In Apples to Apples, players do not need to be highly vulnerable. The game focuses on creativity, humor, and word associations, which do not require players to disclose personal information or share deep emotions. However, some level of vulnerability is needed as players showcase their creativity and humor, potentially opening themselves up to friendly teasing or judgment from others. For instance, when I was playing this game, most players were strangers to me. I felt comfortable sharing my thoughts on the cards and did not think about vulnerability.

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