- Before this class, I thought about (play, game design) like this
I did not even think of game design as a subject before this. I just assumed that games existed, and people played it – never thought about how they might have got into existence. This course introduced me to this concept, and taught me to appreciate it as well.
- I did these things and experienced these learnings
- These class concepts stuck with me…
- I implemented them into my work by…
I learnt about the importance of games in life and friendships – this was really interesting and insightful, because I never considered games as important and only thought of them as a wastage of time. But, now I think that they are important if done right.
- I experienced these challenges
Since some of the concepts were design heavy, as a CS major, it seemed slow and boring sometimes, however, I do understand that they are important and need attention. For example, sketchnotes were quite a challenge for me – I just could not make beautiful sketch notes – it seemed that I would be wasting time by beautifying it. So, I just did the bare minimum every time, not feeling the need to make it more graphic.
- I grew in this way
I learnt about the importance of feedback – in fact I started reading a book called “Thanks for the feedback” because of this class. I also learnt how having opinions is important – I always used to be a person with no strong opinions, so this was an interesting perspective.
- Next time (or, if I keep working on my games) I will…
Be more mindful when coming up with ideas.