Spotify Playlist
Direction 1 | Embedded Narrative | Fantasy, Narrative, Discovery
A vibrant lush forest, tinged with a hint of mystery and fantasy. At first glance, the forest seems to be beautiful collection of plants and animals all flourishing together. But, upon closer inspection, small spirits, wisps, and even the great protectors of the forest themselves can be found hiding in the trees. They command mystical control over nature’s growth and ensure the forest survives for generations. Their power comes from the health of the forest, so take care of the forest is to take care of themselves as well. Gameplay consists primarily of bringing resources to certain plants to keep them alive and thriving. Movement through the forest to each of these plants presents itself as the challenge. Finding wisps and spirits unlock greater movement options or other capabilities to bring resources to these plants.
Direction 2 | Evocative Narrative | Challenge, Expression
A devastating storm tears through the landscape. Disasters of wind and rain are fueled by the mystic energy that permeates the air and commonly seek to destroy what the forest has built up. While the great forest spirits worked together in the past to fend off these storms, the fire has left only their youngest spirit to battle by themself. Who is to say whether the forest will be able weather the storm this time around. Gameplay consists growing plants in formations that will withstand each oncoming disaster. The powers of the forest spirit can help to fortify against winds, provide water in drought, etc.
Direction 3 | Emergent Narrative | Discovery, Challenge, Fantasy
The smallest plants are home to spirits who have yet to take form. Each plant you grow will begin to cultivate a new spirit which manifests as mystical to help the forest grow and give strength to the other forest spirits as well. Gameplay consists of two different layers: determining how each plants helps or hurts other plants growing near it and determining how the spirits borne from these plants help both the plants and spirits near them.