P2 Individual Deliverables – Bihan


Direction 1

Similar to how 2 escape the feeling of cooperative puzzle-solving. The players are two normal couples who were sent to different wards in the psychiatric hospital by accident, they needed to escape from the hospital within 1 hour before the brain treatment.

Narrative Approach: Embedded. Each player needs to follow a specific set of actions to figure out clues for the password to solve the puzzle for the other player, and they need to escape by communicating about what they can see and cooperatively solve the puzzles.

Types of Fun: Fellowship, Challenge, Discovery


Direction 2

It is a mystery that one of the psychiatric hospitals trapped many normal people to be their patients for experiments. The player as a detective needs to go into the hospital undercover as a patient but figure out what is going on in this hospital.

Narrative Approach: Embedded. Players must navigate the hospital, communicate silently with other patients, and uncover the truth behind the facility’s purpose and security. They need to escape without letting any other people discover that they are detectives and find the hidden truth about the hospital.

Types of Fun: Challenge, Discovery


Direction 3

Players are first played as therapists who use experimental technology to enter each patient’s brain to help treat and heal them. Each patient’s brain thinks of a different world, rich in symbolism and puzzles that must be solved to help heal the patient.

Narrative Approach: Enacting/Embedded. The player first enters as the therapist, after they enter each patient’s brain, the player then becomes in a first-person view of the patient and trying to figure out what they are thinking about in a different mental world and trying to solve puzzles that indicate the reason for confusion/mental illness inside of their mind to help cure the patient.

Types of Fun: Narrative, Discovery


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