Our game prototypes may answer the following questions:
- How important are adding in novel cards?
- Importance: I see a possible effect where prompt cards might be exhausted—there is however an effect where players are engaged when seeing another player do the prompt they once did but having different words to sneak in.
- Prototype type: Adding in prompt cards they haven’t seen before and analyzing how much it engages them versus cards they have seen before
- Prediction: New debate cards won’t be important in keeping players engaged, but lot’s of new sneaky words will be important
- Are alliances hurtful or harmful to dynamics?
- Importance: Having teammates could promote player bonding with some friendly competition, but FFA could feel more casual
- Prototype type: Playing the game with 2 or 3 teams instead of FFA
- Prediction: I predict that forming alliances could make the game more competitive than the goal of just having fun, and that will make speaking a more unnerving process –> bad
- How much should you be able to control your stress?
- Importance: There is a lot of public speaking in this game, and while stress can make for a great game, many people could get scared of the game.
- Prototype type: A version of the game where players have high control over the debate prompt/word difficulty VS. game with low control
- Prediction: High control will be lower stress and more fun for players