Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype?

Are the questions on the question cards sufficiently convincing or obscure facts?

This is an important question to answer because if the question cards are poorly done, players may feel that the game is unfair due to differing question difficulty. To answer this, I would like to have a list of potential questions that I can ask many potential players their knowledge of. As this is about how the players understand the question cards, which provide a novel role, it would be a role prototype. I would suspect that the first iteration of my game will not have balanced questions.

Do players understand the rules of the game?

This is very important as the game is unplayable if players cannot independently come to a conclusion on how to play it. This might be a goal for a later prototype where the design, mechanics, and other such details are already set in stone. Then, we can focus on clarity, word economy, and intuitive design in the instructions and pieces. As this is about how the rules sheet is implemented into an existing and known role, it would be an implementation prototype. I predict that the instructions for my game will not take too much iteration to understand, as it seems relatively simple.

Is the game engaging to players in all roles?

It’s important to make a game where players don’t feel left out or discouraged. To do this, we have to make sure that everyone is able to be involved and make important decisions relatively regularly. I imagine this would involve an early version prototype with very little design but fleshed out mechanics, including a balanced game as addressed earlier. This would be an implementation prototype, as it is about how we should implement our mechanics to create the best experience for all players. I would suspect that, as the game is relatively simple, the game will be engaging to most if not all players from the beginnig.

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