I was obsessed with playing GeoGuesser last summer (before it required a subscription to play). GeoGuesser is a geography game where the player is presented with imagery from Google Street View and is asked to identify the location from which the imagery is taken on a world map within limited amount of time. The player then receives a score of up to 5,000 points depending on how accurate their guess was, for each of the five rounds. In this classic mode, the fun of the game mainly comes from the Challenge of interpreting the location within limited time and trying to get as close to the actual location as possible, which means that even in the same game, there are multiple tiers of challenge, from guessing the continent right, to guessing the country / state / city / district right, and you can even aim to get the street right if you are up for the challenge. At the same time, the game also affords the excitement of Discovery by virtually putting the player in an alien environment and have them look for evidence from their surroundings, which can range from identifying the language on the road signs to guessing the flora and soil types. Sometimes the player can also get Sense Pleasure from guessing the location of a scenery waterfall, forest, or tourist attraction.
Apart from the classic mode for a single player, there are also several other modes that involve multiple players. For instance, the Duels mode is a two-player head-to-head Competition where the two players both aim to have their guessed locations closer to the actual location and on top of that, guess faster than the opponent. The opponent play adds to the Challenge of the game compared with the classic mode.