My Journey in 247G: Exploring the Power of Play

Before enrolling in 247G, I perceived play and game design as a personal escape, a form of entertainment that allowed individuals to disconnect from reality. However, throughout the course, I remodelled my understanding of games and their profound impact on human relationships, personal development, happiness, and fulfillment. This reflection explores the lessons I learned, the concepts that resonated with me, the challenges I faced, and how I grew as a game designer.

Experiencing the Power of Play: One of the most significant revelations during this course was the realization that games and play are integral to human interaction and development. Starting from designing a social game from scratch, I discovered the immense potential games hold in fostering meaningful connections and eliciting joy. The constant pursuit of fun and making people laugh became the driving force behind my designs, and I realized that incorporating an element of play into any human-centric design, be it subtle or overt, can enhance engagement and overall experience.

Concepts That Left an Impact: Two concepts that deeply resonated with me were feminism in gaming and the notion that the least experienced gamer on a team is the team’s biggest asset. Exploring feminism in gaming opened my eyes to the importance of inclusivity and diversity in game design, as well as the need to challenge stereotypes and create empowering narratives. Additionally, the idea that non-puzzlers can be drawn into the world of puzzles and gaming intrigued me. I became passionate about designing puzzles that catered to different thinking styles, aiming to engage a broader audience and potentially foster interest in STEM thinking.

Implementing New Perspectives: To embody the concept of social puzzles that inspired me, I was the lead designer of the psychological trust puzzle into my final game. By moving beyond traditional math-oriented puzzles, I aimed to create a space where various types of players could find enjoyment and connection. This approach allowed me to diversify my design and cater to different brain types and individual preferences, rather than limiting myself to a narrow perspective.

Challenges and Growth: Throughout the course, I encountered challenges, particularly in navigating gaming jargon and understanding concepts such as platforms like Steam and gamer biases towards certain genres. However, I overcame these hurdles by actively seeking clarification and embracing a novice’s mindset. This process expanded my knowledge and appreciation for different types of games, including walking simulators, which I discovered to be a personal favorite.

Becoming a Better Team Player: The course also played a significant role in shaping my teamwork skills. Given the subjective nature of play and fun, I learned the importance of letting up on my assertive team nature to create space for my teammates’ ideas to flourish. By valuing their perspectives and embracing a collaborative approach, I witnessed surprising design iterations that I would have never of brainstormed and saw our combined creativity blossom into two fun, unique games. This experience enhanced my ability to work effectively within a team, fostering a sense of inclusivity and creativity.

Future Directions: Looking ahead, I will continue to embrace a novice’s perspective as a valuable asset in game design. I aim to challenge the status quo and celebrate diverse experiences and ideas of fun. By prioritizing social engagement and fulfillment in my games, I hope to create experiences that resonate with players and contribute to their well-being.

Enrolling in 247G opened my eyes to the transformative power of play and game design. Through the course, I learned to view games as more than mere escapism but as tools for connection, personal growth, and empowerment. The concepts of feminism in gaming and the value of the least experienced gamer profoundly influenced my approach, as I sought to design inclusive experiences that engaged a wide range of players. Overcoming challenges and growing as a team member further enriched my journey. As I move forward, I am inspired to continue exploring game and play design.

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