Individual Reflection – Alex

Before this class, my understanding of game design and play was superficial at best. I approached games solely as a form of entertainment, unaware of the intricacies and theories behind the scenes. However, throughout this class, my perspective has expanded exponentially, allowing me to explore the diverse processes involved in their development.

One of the most significant takeaways from this class has been the concept of loops and arcs. As I tried different games throughout the critical plays, I began to recognize its presence in various games, as well as its applicability beyond the realm of gaming. I learned that loops and arcs serve as fundamental structures that engage, onboard, and captivate players. In the development of our dating simulator, we embraced this concept by incorporating the “buttering up” or “interrogation” loop mechanism across all of the dates.

Another essential lesson learned from this class was the importance of playtesting. I quickly learned that incorporating playtesting into our design process was crucial, as it often led to substantial changes and improvements. This reinforced the significance of having real people test our prototypes, providing valuable insights that shaped the evolution of our game. Moving forward, I am determined to carry this practice with me as I embark on future projects in industry.

However, 247G was definitely not without its challenges. Our team encountered difficulties in two key areas: narrative and clues. We struggled with integrating the different clues and narratives in a manner that was cohesive and logical. The complexity of the clues further compounded the issue, as we found ourselves oscillating between different approaches. Nevertheless, through rigorous playtesting and valuable feedback from the CAs, we managed to overcome these challenges. By iterating and refining our design, we were able to create a more coherent and intricate system of hints that added depth and intrigue to the gameplay experience. In addition, we had a lot of difficulty making the narrative and overall story line not too difficult to figure out but also not too obvious where it became boring to play through. This actually took the most iterations for us to work through as the storyline was by far one of the most important parts of the game to work out.

Overall, this game design class has been a transformative experience, expanding my understanding of game design and play beyond my initial assumptions. The concepts of loops and arcs, as well as the significance of playtesting, have left a lasting impression on my approach to game design and any type of system design overall.

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