Final Reflection

Before taking this class, I had limited knowledge about game design and development. I saw play mainly as a leisure activity for people to past time. However, throughout the course, my perspective changed significantly. I came to understand that games provide safe spaces for individuals to explore various identities and possibilities. I had also previously considered “real” games to be those that required extensive practice and mastery of mechanics in order to derive enjoyment from them. During the course, I helped to develop two games—a drawing game and a digital escape room. Through this process, I learned that play is not only a means of leisure but also a way to recharge from the demands of life, find inspiration, and even apply lessons learned in games to real-world situations. Games can serve as a means of escapism or provide a means to comprehend the complexities of the world around us.

In the class, I learned about different types of narratives, including evocative, emergent, enacted, and embedded narratives. Additionally, I explored various game mechanics (resources, objectives, player relationships, etc.) and formal elements, and how these shape dynamics and the aesthetics of game design.

One lesson I learned was the importance of considering feminist theories to foster inclusivity within the broader gaming culture. This involves understanding concepts such as emotional labor, the significance of relationships, and granting agency to diverse players. I also learned that assigning meaning and lore to objects within a game can create an effective puzzle-narrative interplay. Furthermore, the significance of ensuring that every possible path in a game holds equal value, and that the effort put into achieving goals is proportional to the award. Games that rely on addiction uses random rewards while giving players a false sense of control.

I understood that the theme of a game holds significant influence over its appeal and increases the likelihood of someone playing it. Consequently, I prioritized creating compelling themes and built the visuals and mechanics around them. However, I also faced challenges along the way. I realized that the key to making a game impactful is to facilitate learning through gameplay. Additionally, managing conflicting feedback from diverse playtesters and perspectives proved to be a challenge. It was tricky to tell which feedback to prioritize from the perspective of a designer, and I realized that achieving perfection can be elusive.

Overall, I developed a willingness to explore different types of games, such as narrative fiction and walking sims, and gained a lot of good game recommendations.

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