Critical Play: Games of Chance – Tara Jones

For this critical play, I played slots on I played around 10 different games, ranging from traditional slots, pin drop games, all the way to open chat rooms within castles (weird??). In all honestly, I really love slots. I have played a few times in Vegas and always have fun with the overwhelming experience of the slots floors.

On there is the ability to interact with other players while you play the game games. That being said, I seemed to be the only one trying to create a social environment. No one responded to any of my chats in the different games.

Certain elements within slot games create a susceptibility to addiction, including captivating audio, visually stimulating graphics and most importantly the absence of transparent odds. While engaging in various slot games, they all adhere to a consistent structure, yet the specific criteria for winning remain unclear. Consequently, players are compelled to invest their money in order to decipher these matching patterns.

Furthermore, the determination of successful matches appears relatively arbitrary and deviates from the more conventional three-in-a-row slot format. The alignment of symbols seems to rely heavily on randomness, but when a pattern does align, it instills a profound sense of achievement. This sentiment is effectively conveyed through overlays that proclaim noteworthy declarations such as “BIG WIN.” These overlays also force you to reflect on your success, for they show your coin amount slowly increasing and don’t let you know when the increase will subside.


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