Individual Deliverables – P2 (amoore5)

I’d like to evoke moments of confusion/frustration, flow state/happiness, and feeling understood.

Spotify playlist:

  1. I’d really like the players to move around campus, and have this journey illustrate certain inconsistencies with the neighborhood system and its initial motivation. For example, having long bike journeys between places in your neighborhood, when it’s meant to keep students close to eachother throughout the years.
  2. As the frustration builds with the system, players are even more motivated to escape the system. They can discover actual loop holes for escaping the system- like pre assignemnt or reassignemnt as a reward for solving a puzzle.
  3. When they finally reach their dream dorm, ResX creates a final challenge, the climax of the narrative. Your group will be spread out between your neighborhood if you can not solve the final puzzle and discover who the snake in your group is, a plant from the university who was trying to sabotage your journey all along(maybe one of us who plays the game with them without them knowing for an added twist and to collect intel about the game)!

About the author

Volleyball Player and American Ninja Warrior!

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