P2 Individual Checkpoint 1 — Jeong

A daikon walks into a supermarket…


Emotions to prioritize: Charm, Unpredictability, Cleverness

Three possible directions

Narrative 1: Last Daikon Standing

Premise: Daikon boy is the only daikon left in the supermarket, and he doesn’t know why. You must explore around the supermarket for clues as to how this ended up being your reality. You’ll talk to other characters from the produce section, look under cash registers for notes, and brace yourself to investigate the freezer storage area. 

Narrative: Embedded. Daikon boy will have a set number of clues in predetermined areas of the supermarket, but it’s up to him (you) to find the clues and crack the mystery. 

Types of fun: Challenge, narrative, discovery

Narrative 2: The War Against Carrots🥕

Premise: Carrots in the supermarket have joined forces to exterminate all daikon from the premises. Their motive? They’re tired of overhearing shoppers saying that daikons are the crispest, coolest vegetables in the market.😐 Daikon boy must find a way to escape the supermarket without being attacked by the carrot army. Series of mini games whenever daikon has to approach a carrot blocking their path to the exit. 

Narrative: Enacted. You must get into the character of daikon boy in order to relentlessly fight off the carrot army. You’ll have power upgrades, such as turning off all the supermarket lights but being the only one equipped with night vision glasses to avoid the carrots, or being able to temporarily put on a carrot costume to deceive the carrot army and bypass them.

Types of fun: Challenge

Narrative 3: Anyone Can Cook🤌

Premise: Daikon boy starts off in the supermarket. There’s a list of grocery store items he (you) has to find in the store, buy, and make. (Think: cooking mama, but evaluation is based on the process of getting ingredients, getting out of trouble, completing the dish)

Narrative: Emergent. There are set ingredients that the player must locate and buy in order to make the predetermined dish, but failing to purchase all ingredients or making the dish in time leads to different outcomes. 

Types of fun: Challenge, Narrative, Discovery


Spotify Playlist

Artistic Inspiration & Reference

e.g. Stardew Valley, Undertale, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Earthbound

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