Critical Play: Mysteries

Her Story on Steam

Her Story
Creator: Sam Barlow
Platform: Microsoft Windows, OS X, iOS, Android

Target audience: players who enjoy storytelling and solving puzzles. The themes and subject matter may appeal more to adult audiences.

Formal elements:
– Players: 1
– Actions: The player searches a database of police interview videos from the 1990s and types in keywords to access different clips, in order to piece together the story of a missing person.

Review: Her Story – Destructoid

– Rounds: There are no rounds, as the game is played at the player’s own pace and the story progresses based on the player’s exploration.
– Player relationships/objectives/resources: The player has access to a limited number of clips at the beginning of the game, and must uncover more by using specific keywords. The player’s objective is to piece together the events surrounding the disappearance of a woman named Hannah, but the outcome and the ultimate objective are left open to interpretation.


Steam Community :: Her Story


Fun factor: The game’s formal elements create a unique and engaging experience that allows the player to uncover the story at their own pace, and the narrative is compelling and mysterious. The game’s lack of a clear objective is what makes it engaging because it allow the player to engage in multiple interpretations of the story.

Why it works: Her Story’s unique gameplay mechanics such as searching a database and piecing together a non-linear narrative create an immersive and engaging experience that keeps players invested in the story. The ambiguity of the story and the open-ended conclusion allow for multiple interpretations, increasing replayability.


Her Story Steamissä

How it could be improved: The lack of direction or guidance can be frustrating for some players, and the game’s reliance on keyword searching may be repetitive for some. Additional mechanics or mini-games could provide a break from the searching and add variety to the gameplay.

Comparison to other games: Because Her Story focus on non-linear storytelling and puzzle-solving, it stands out from other narrative-driven games in the mystery genre. While it may not have the same level of interactivity or polish as some of these other games, its unique approach to storytelling and its emphasis on player interpretation make it a standout title.

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