Checkpoint 1: Individual Concept Doc

Emotions: Introspective, uncanny realism, surprise





  1. Non-linear gameplay: You wake up in a cottage (see sketch) with no memory of your past and present. Game consists of rummaging through cabinets and drawers for information and cracking locks in the style of a classic escape room game, except that the player can walk outside to explore the house surroundings for more clues on who they were. In addition to typical escape room challenges, the player needs to find how to end the game – potentially by completing a goal that the character they embody has (booking a plane ticket, calling someone, etc). Types of fun: Narrative, challenge, fantasy
  1. Text adventure: In an abandoned cottage, you regain consciousness but cannot recall anything about yourself. As you explore the decaying rooms and unravel forgotten secrets, you piece together your fragmented memories, confront inner demons, encounter different characters, and decide who you truly are in this haunting journey of self-discovery. The challenge comes from inputting the right instructions and prompts. Types of fun: Narrative, fantasy, expression
  1. Mystery escape game where the player wakes up not knowing who they are and discovers a dead body on the second floor. With the help of a pet dog, you find buried clues and regain haunting memories from your past. Emotional challenge comes from accepting the consequences of murdering someone (turning themselves in) or hiding the evidence. Types of fun: Narrative, challenge, fantasy

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