Critical Play 5

As someone who loves murder mysteries/missing persons cases, I knew I had to play Her Story.

Her Story on Steam

Her Story is a critically acclaimed mystery/crime fiction game that utilizes non-linear storytelling and a police database that is packed with live action video footage. It was developed by Sam Barlow. The game can be played on PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android. I would say that the target audience primarily consists of adult/more mature gamers who enjoy solving complex puzzles and uncovering hidden narratives.

The game’s formal elements include the player, who takes on the role of a detective investigating a missing person’s case, the procedure of searching through a database of video interviews, the boundaries of the database’s search engine, and the objective of unraveling the mystery of the missing person’s disappearance.

Her Story review | PC Gamer

In terms of narrative structure, Her Story employs both loops and arcs to weave a compelling story. The game’s loops consist of the player repeatedly searching for new interview snippets and piecing together fragments of the narrative to reveal hidden clues and insights. The arcs, on the other hand, emerge as the player begins to understand the broader context of the story and the characters involved.

The architecture of the database controls the narrative by giving players access to different parts of the story at different times. The player must use keywords to search through the database, which reveals video clips of interviews with a woman who may or may not be involved in the missing person’s case. The player’s objective is to uncover the truth about the case by piecing together the interview snippets.

The game’s mechanics support the mystery by allowing players to search for specific keywords and access interview snippets in a non-linear fashion. This freedom enables players to uncover the story at their own pace, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery. The game also encourages players to think critically about the information presented to them and to form their own conclusions.


Moments of particular success in the game include the sense of satisfaction players experience when they uncover a new clue or gain a deeper understanding of the story. However, some players may find the game’s lack of clear direction or feedback frustrating, leading to a sense of confusion or disengagement.

To improve the game, it could benefit from more guidance for players who may feel lost or overwhelmed. Additional clues or hints could be added to the database to provide more context and direction for the player. Furthermore, alternative endings or additional content could be added to enhance the game’s replayability.

Thank you so much for introducing me to this game!

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