Critical Play: Secret Hitler

Secret Hitler is a board game created by Goat, Wolf, & Cabbage LLC. The target audience is a bit difficult to state too specifically, but broadly anyone who is looking to play a simple social deduction game with funny/surprising flavor! 

Each player is given either the fascist or liberal role, and their objective is to enact policies that align with their teams  goals. Each round, the president (which rotates clockwise) nominates a chancellor, who players vote to accept or not. The chancellor then is offered a group of 3 policies, of which they can choose one to enact. Based on enacted policies and votes, players can try to ascertain what team each other player is on. 

The game was quite fun, although a little bit simplistic feeling in my opinion. I also didn’t like how it felt like sometimes the ends of the games came down to randomness of which cards were on top of the deck. I think it is a great example of a social deduction game, and I like it a lot relative to most mafia I have played. But I think it falls a bit short of my favorite version of the genre: one night werewolf. Werewolf really trims back on any mechanics that don’t directly relate to the social deduction aspect, and the main gameplay of werewolf is entirely social.  

I’m not sure what exactly I would change about secret hitler, but I would like to change how policies are chosen from the deck somehow. 

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