Critical Play –

I played by ticedev on the game’s website ( As I played, I noticed that the game is very palatable to all audiences as its mechanics are very simple to understand and its aesthetic is playful enough for kids to enjoy while also being detailed enough for older audiences to understand the doodle nuances behind the design.

The game is a multilateral game in which each player is instructed to draw a given word while the other players try and guess what is being drawn. Based on how quickly the players are able to guess the word, the drawer and the guessers earn points. This motivates the drawer to draw cleverly with the compensation of points and for the guessers to guess quickly so that they can earn more points as well. 

Looking back at the game, I would say that I enjoyed the game due to the types of fun that were displayed throughout each round, the dynamics of the game, and its uniqueness.

During each round, there are two roles as mentioned before. There is the drawer and the guesser. The drawer has the job of using expression to try and get the guessers to understand what the given word is. The guessers can type in each guess with the given hint which is the length of the word (and as time goes on, a new letter appears). Everytime a guesser’s guess is incorrect, it is displayed in the chat so that the other players can see. The displayed guessing aspect allows for fellowship to be built amongst the players due to the humor behind each incorrect guess. On top of this there is also some aspect of relation between players as they all attempt to correctly guess what is being drawn based on the art that is provided.

The dynamics of the game are the most interesting part, especially when playing it for the first time. When it is your turn to be the drawer, you are given the task of choosing between three words to draw. This struck me as surprising at first as I thought I would be able to choose from a plethora of items, however, that was not the case. Instead, I found myself struck in awe as I selected “pistachio” from the list of size three which included two much worse words. Although the word itself was interesting enough, what I thought added more layers to the game was the timer. When the guessers cannot correctly guess the word in fifteen seconds, the word is revealed and no one is rewarded points. This aspect of the game not only provided pressure for each player to perform well, but it also kept the game moving and didn’t allow for players to get stuck on one portion of the game.

Finally, I would say that there are hardly any games that I have played that are like this one. A guessing game that is as efficient while also upholding the themes of expression and fellowship so well is unique (at least in terms of the games that I have played). Although there is Pictionary, which is essentially the same game but with paper and pen, it lacks the ability to be as expressive as is capable of. It also doesn’t document the hints or timing automatically, constantly pulling the players away from the game so that they can tend to the logistical side of the game.

All in all I am happy that I got to play this game, especially with my friends as they made it a better time than what I thought this game was capable of.

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