Short Exercise: Visual Design of Games

Font or Cheese Graphic Design Analysis


  • Present a word that is either a Cheese or Font (Core)
  • Space to enter C or F (Core)
  • Revealing if you are right or wrong (Core)
  • “Hint: there are 19 fonts” (Supportive)
  • “Cheese or Font? Instruction (Supportive)
  • “Enter C or F” (Supportive)
  • Different ways to tell you you were wrong in red (Extraneous)




Exploding Kittens is a game that I think is beautiful. Most of this just comes from my opinion that they successfully convey’ed the game’s theme of a balance of cute and dangerous through their illustration. But it goes even further to portray, whim, fun, and even a little bit of uncanniness. They definitely follow the principle of visual hierarchy as the illustrations are the main focus of each card. The illustrations are fun and convey information on what each card does. The next thing that draws you in might be the writing on the corners of the card, which are darkened and in bold and communicate the overall type of card and its function. Although these more length descriptions are of lower visual hierarchy, color and contrast comes into play to make these descriptions noticeable and readable. Color and contrast are also graphic design principles used to differentiate card type and 5 overarching card functions in the game. Lastly, alignment and proximity is made intentional here as well, as you can expect the same information to be portrayed at roughly the same spot and at the same proximity from card to card. You know that the top right and bottom left hand corner will always have the card function, that this card function will (for the most part) show up in bolden caps letters in these spots followed by an unbolded, proximal, description right below. Illustration elements are grouped together as well.

This all serves simplify effective communication, possibly with the intent of ensuring the game players can focus on the awesome illustrations.

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