Elements of Cheese or Font
- Core
- 5 minute timer
- Being able to signal Cheese or Font
- Player vs. Game
- Outcome: Number correct out of 50 at end of game
- Race to correctly decipher 50 words as a cheese or font
- Supportive
- Traversing to Previous Cheese/Font or Next Cheese/Font
- Color Highlight to Show which Cheese/Font you are on
- Table headers “Cheese or Font?” and “Enter C or F”
- Animation and Score update when correct guess
- Extraneous
- Pausing Timer
- Give up button
- Online interface
Thumbnail of core elements
Above is a screenshot from the game Unravel Two. The game features two intertwined yarn beings that must unravel the memories of two children. The game utilizes the graphic design elements of Size and Color and Contrast really well. Since the yarn characters are small, the game chooses to make the items in the world around them really big. This can be seen above as the fork is relatively large compared to the character. The game also uses color exceptionally by using bright colors to signify enemies or items to grab. It also uses contrast well as most of the levels are muted or have darker hues so the bright characters and goals often stand out.