Our game is a fishbowl style game that incorporates truth or dare with a lack of senses.
- What cards are making people laugh the most?
- This is important for our game is a social drinking type game where we want people to leave feeling happy and bonded. Idealy, they spend most of the time laughing.
- We will create a fishbowl-card prototype with a plethora of cards and keep track of what ones are the most engaging.
- I think that the cards using the “drunk goggles” will make people laugh the most.
- Does the idea of teams work, or is it making it too complicated?
- This is important for we are currently debating how big to make the teams.
- We will split the people into 2 groups for this prototype (more about mechanics than physical)
- I think teams of 50% of the people will work the best.
- How is the lack of senses card working? Do people seem annoyed to do it or does it add extra humor?
- This is important for it is a key twist we are adding on top of truth or dare, so we need some sort of proof of concept
- We will use a lot of senses cards in this prototype.
- I think people will enjoy them, I think they add spice to the game!