My team is working on a beer pong relay game, where each solo cup has a challenge that a player must complete if the ball lands inside of it. There are 2 teams, and all players on a team must land a ball and complete a challenge before the other team to win the game.
What is the ideal number of players to keep the game engaging?
- Right now, we’ve set the recommended number of players to 20 (10 per team). This is a pretty large number for each team, and we need to figure out what the max number of people is that still allows each player to remain interested in their team member’s challenges.
- At the same time, we want the number to be high enough where the game is engaging.
Is this a game that people would prefer to play over other drinking games?
- There are so many drinking games that people play in social gatherings. Usually, most of them have little to no equipment (solo cups and ping pong balls).
- This game is a little bit more involved — requires writing down challenges and getting a specific amount of cups. Because of this, one of the central questions for this game is: how high is the activation energy to play this game?
- Does the uniqueness of the game make the effort more worth it?
What types of challenges should we include?
- We added the challenges onto beer pong to create additional excitement. We hypothesize that watching your team members do dumb things will lower inhibition and create a friendlier drinking environment.
- This question is important because we want the challenges to be exciting enough so that it’s entertaining for team members to watch, but also not excessively wild so that players don’t want to complete the challenges.
- We need to figure out what categories and types of challenges lie in the sweet spot.