Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype?

My team is working on a drinking game where we have 2 teams. One team makes a drink with mystery ingredients (mocktails for the purpose of the class :)) and the other team has to guess all the ingredients. At the end of the round, the winning team can add whatever “crazy” ingredients they want to the existing drink and the losing team has to drink it.


How many minimum (and maximum) players are needed to ensure that the game is engaging and fun?

  • This is important to answer because too less people (like just 1 on each team) can make the game boring and too many people (like 10 on each team) can make it overwhelming. We want to ensure that the game increases fellowship.
  • Trying a simpler version of the game with teams of varying sizes can help answer this question. From that, we can (through a set of curated questions) determine the optimal number of players.
  • I feel a minimum of 4 players (2 on each team) and a maximum of 8 players (4 on each team) might be the perfect balance

Is there a minimum (and maximum) number of ingredients that drinks should have?

  • This is important to answer because we want to ensure that the guessing part of the game is fun (at its core) and engaging, but also do not want to make it overwhelming for the team that is guessing. At the end of the day, this is a game and not a test.
  • Once we have an answer about optimal number of players, we can try having them play the game with varying number of ingredients and use information from that to determine the optimal number of ingredients.
  • I feel it would be 4-6 ingredients

How do we ensure that the game does not get boring and players remain engaged? Do we include a time component to make sure players don’t feel “stuck”?

  • As enjoyable guessing is, if you are unable to do it within a certain timeframe, you feel stuck in the game and the fun is lost.
  • We can see how players feel about the game in a few different situations – unlimited time to guess, timed (different variation of this as well – 2 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins) and use that information to determine the choice we should make.
  • I feel 5 mins would be ideal


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