Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a game that redefines the action-adventure genre through its unique mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics of play. The mechanics of the game include rules and systems that create the play experience, such as Luigi’s ability to capture ghosts using his Poltergust G-00 vacuum. These mechanics come together to create the dynamics of the game, the actual experiential play that players engage in, such as solving puzzles and exploring haunted floors of the hotel.
The aesthetics of play in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are the underlying emotive reasons why players go to the game. For instance, the game’s sense of pleasure comes from its stunning graphics and eerie music, which stimulate the player’s senses. The fantasy aspect of the game allows players to step into the role of Luigi, a character who they may not be able to experience in real life. The narrative of the game is another core aesthetic, as players witness human drama and stories as they progress through the game.
One of the key elements of Luigi’s Mansion 3 is the challenge aesthetic, as the game presents players with arbitrary obstacles to overcome, such as defeating boss ghosts. The fellowship aesthetic is also present in the game, as players can work cooperatively in multiplayer mode to achieve a common goal. In terms of competition, the game’s ScareScraper mode lets players demonstrate their superiority over others in a race to capture ghosts.
Luigi’s Mansion 3 is an excellent example of how game designers can approach games from the mechanics up while still delivering a unique and engaging player experience. The game’s aesthetics of play are carefully crafted to provide players with a sense of pleasure, fantasy, and narrative, while the mechanics and dynamics of the game work together to deliver a challenging and cooperative gameplay experience.