Intro – William

The name you want people to call you: William
A recent photo:

Preferred pronouns: He/him
Favorite game of all time and why: Red Dead Redemption 2

The game strikes such a good balance between having an immersive narrative while also being open-world and having a lot of serendipitous encounters. Overall, there is strong coherence between all aspects of the world, which is supported by the stunning graphics and mind-blogging interactivity in the physics/animation system.
Recent game you enjoyed and why: DMZ in Modern Warfare 2

Extraction shooters are an interesting blend between first person shooters and roguelites. Most other FPS games are either multiplayer and heavily competition focused, or single player, while extraction shooters are somewhere in between. DMZ is fun since it’s an FPS that’s primarily progression-based, while you’d still occasionally run into other players, and who knows if they will choose to be friendly or hostile and ruin your run.

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