Final Reflection

Before this class, I thought about play and game design as simple zero-sum activities with added mechanics for engagement and uniqueness. I believed that play was primarily about trying to win something, and that winning was the main motivation for people playing games. However, the class introduced me to a much deeper understanding of game psychology, illustrating how games can meet various needs such as information, affiliation, and sensual needs, along with power, achievement, and materialistic needs. These insights broadened my perspective, showing me that games are complex systems designed to fulfill a wide array of human desires.

One exercise that particularly resonated with me was the five-minute idea generation activity. In this exercise, we were encouraged to continually come up with ideas on our own. I observed that I started with some okay ideas, then experienced a slowdown after the first few minutes, and ultimately generated my most creative and interesting ideas in the final minute. This exercise taught me the value of persistence in brainstorming and the importance of pushing past initial mental blocks to uncover innovative concepts.

I implemented these new insights into my work by dedicating more time to brainstorming and not being too attached to my initial ideas, allowing myself the space to explore different possibilities. I faced several challenges, particularly the technical difficulty of coding digital games, especially when dealing with narrative branches. These challenges forced me to improve my problem-solving skills and seek out resources to enhance my coding abilities.

Throughout this process, I experienced significant personal growth. I became more organized in my approach to game design, felt a greater sense of freedom to be creative, and improved my team communication skills. These improvements have made me a more effective and collaborative game designer.

Looking ahead, if I continue working on my games, I plan to do more research into different game-making platforms. This will help me find the tools that best suit my creative vision and technical needs, allowing me to develop more sophisticated and engaging games.

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