Emotions to Evoke:
- Adventure
- Curiosity
- Drive
Directions for the game:
- Narrative: You arrive in hell as a historical figure (A. Hitler, Napoleon, etc.), but you don’t know who, nor do you know why you’ve been put in hell. You go around collecting clues to answer those questions, which help you find the secret phrase that opens the gates of hell and lets you out.
- For the flow, I think we can always start the first part by having the player(s) guess the name of who they think the figure is. Some ways we can make this fun is that we can use clues in pop-culture/music as starters/first part of the game, which then initiate the scavenger hunt for more physical clues. For example, a song name that can be given in the beginning is “Pride is the Devil” (By J. Cole), which can be used as a first clue as to who possibly is the historical figure. Another hint could be directions to a french painting at Cantor, or something simple like “Guillotine”, (which was only ever used in France). With minimal to no research, one can deduce the figure is Napoleon. They can enter that in the app, unlock the first part of the magic phrase needed to escape, and get more clues for the next phase of the game. This sets up a pretty compelling structure, and a rich narrative.
- One way we can add levels to this is to associate each part of the game with a different location. For example, if we are starting by the gates of hell, that could be level 1. Once you figure out which historical figure you are and unlock