Precision of Emotion: A New Kind of “Fun” Approach in Educational Games

Defining Fun

  • The previous definition  of Fun was “Fun is Learning.”
  • But WTF is learning?


Lesson 1: Kids are smarter than you

  • The “affective” state of learning is not the same as fun.
  • “Fun is learning” is the beginning, not the end.
  • Achieving this “affective” state is hard, and you need really good products to achieve it.


The Emotion Lens:

  • Emotions don’t equal fun.
  • Fun is a “process between multiple emotions.”


A New Definition of “Fun”

  • Fun is “SOPHIA”
    • the cognitive mechanical process by which we convert fear into happiness through surprise.
    • Games that tend to have SOPHIA tend to involve some connection to/simulation of the real world.
      • Yes, Sim City.
      • No, Candy Crush.

Learning Games

  • We want the player to be able to do something they couldn’t do before playing by the end of playing.
  • A lot of these games, however, lack emotional content/progression.
  • The emotion journey (SOPHIA) is what drives learning.
  • It’s HARD to make things that are hard to learn fun (e.g., the quadratic equation)
  • Reasons why learning games might not be fun:
    • Lack of clarity of core emotion.
    • Not enough surprise preceding satisfaction.
    • Lack of tension



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