P1: Playable (crappy) prototype – Team 5 Kittyopolis

Observations / Raw Notes Feedback from playtesting

  • Ugly spaces – any value in getting?
    • Needs to be considered for us having 3 cards in the center instead of just drawing cards
  • Need mechanic for shuffling action cards back in
  • Need mechanic for people to choose action cards and not have them added to the center
    • Otherwise no one grabs it ever
  • Should make scorecards for people to have
  • Clever mechanic is people making like part of a ring and keeping a middle part open for residential
  • Two piles
    • Replenish piles, draw piles. No actions in replenish pile for adding into the 3. action cards are in draw piles
  • Need better defined win state —> just run out?
  • Flipping paper is hard to grab from pile. Easier if we made them cardboard stock
    • We should have a card container / container for the pile to keep the hexagons in a stock, and having the side open so people can easier grab them
  • Game isn’t as fun, not much interaction with each other.
    • Everyone is silent and just strategizing
    • Other groups have interactions / talking / bargaining. We should let people interact with each other’s cities
    • OOO maybe actions get applied onto other people
  • If we do running out of tiles, it needs to have an evenly divisible number of tiles so no one gets extra turns
  • Its fun and is intrigued how to incorporate ugly spaces + actions
    • Maybe place limitations on ugly spaces? Get points to that
  • Should be some constraints to have to draw / have to have it happen
  • Two commercial shouldn’t be able to double count. Maybe the idea should be is u want diverse spaces touching a residential
    • Having one residential only surrounded by green shouldn’t be as high points as a residential surrounded by commercial, green, services, and community
  • Game to reference: cascadia – super similar but more complex. We should look at it
  • Utility should be additional draw —> more money.
    • We should teach them that you do need to pay for stuff. You do need ugly spaces
  • There should be some “goal” card like you want residential w/ a lot of commercial. Like this goal comes with a certain amount of points if you fulfill it.
  • Kind of reminded me of scrabble.
    • Very individual play, feel like we’re just sitting next to each other. No game playing together.
  • No fellowship.
  • We could make it competitive. She didn’t care what others did on their board.
  • What if there’s one city and there’s a goal each person has like a persona or something. So they all try to focus on that. Each person has a set number of cards and they draw and then place.


Thing we plan to change:

  • We will continue playtesting, but for now we’ve decided on having everyone contribute to one central city so that there’s more interaction between the players. The game will be for 3-6 players, in which one player’s persona is an evil zoning director who gets point by creating clusters of 3 or more of the same type of community space. The other players are all focused on creating the most walkable city, which is measured by residential areas that are touching one of each type of other space (commercial, service, green, or community). We are still thinking through the exact mechanics, but this should allow for more competition and interaction while still having the overall goals of the game be focused on creating walkable cities and overcoming real-world challenges of zoning issues that often block inhibit urban planners.

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