Sketchnote: Game Architecture

Skyrim is a favorite game of mine, and I’ve been replaying it lately. The game uses several loops in its quest mechanic, where non-player characters give the player tasks to complete in exchange for a reward, usually in the form of gold or supplies. The first kind of loop proceeds as follows:

  • Character gives you a quest
  • You kill or retrieve something
  • You receive a reward
  • Repeat with a different NPC

Some loops are more player-driven, such as clearing out dungeons:

  • Discover a dungeon
  • Kill the threats inside
  • Fight the boss
  • Collect a reward from a chest or Word of Power wall (or both)

The story also relies on arcs. The game has a main story arc, and several other story arcs surround factions. Each arc comprises a series of quest loops that eventually culminate in a final quest that completes the arc with a satisfying conclusion. Each quest loop builds toward the completion of an arc.

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