Checkpoint 1 – Individual (Brendan McLaughlin)


After a heated argument with his parent [TBD named] kid storms off and falls into another dimension which is a parallel version of his world. He realizes this place is bad. He must find clues and complete tasks to return to his real home and real parents.

Directions for Dimensional Drift

  1. Steampunk-style direction where everything in the blob city is sort of mechanical, grey, scrappy, and extreme. Maybe the people are sort of devolving into more and more mechanical versions of themselves instead of more blob-like versions of themselves.
  2. Coraline vibe where everything in the alternate city is wayyy better and more perfect than the real setting but things are wrong with it. Maybe the setting is a Victorian-style neighborhood that the character can move around. He/she can run into people and try to complete activities and find clues for escaping back to the real world
  3. The character is wishing for a simpler / more straightforward / more normal childhood and then BOOM they are deposited into the alternate world and it’s weirdly simple in the original blob-like way but it’s a little off-putting. Allows for simpler rendering of the environment.

Mood Board

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