Amused & Stimulated Moodboard (+ bitta’ synthwave aesthetic)
Mood (Amused & Stimulated) by Leon MacAlister on Apple Music
- Really lean into the Humor/Absurdity of human interaction + Make the narrative emergent, the goal is to role play as the alien
- Alien has no fucking idea what the fuck is happening
- Examples
- Multi choice answers on how to respond to a girl
- Replace words like coffee with alien words such as “Furble”
- All options are broken english, but somehow the girl is into “foreign guys”
- Multi choice answers on how to respond to a girl
- Make sure the game highlights the absurdity of some social norms
- Ordering of saying hi, handshake and making eye contact
- Choose the correct version of “how’s it going”, “nice to meet you” and “Have we met before?”
- All have same meaning but just say the frat dude thinks you’re a fucking weirdo for saying certain options even though it is pretty normal
- Choose correct handshake otherwise too formal or too casual and the guys thinks ur a loser
- Choose the correct version of “how’s it going”, “nice to meet you” and “Have we met before?”
- Ordering of saying hi, handshake and making eye contact
- Make the puzzle about trying not to be found out – vibe is more anxious + The goal and mission statement is very straightforward
- The alien is super anxious about being found out
- Wants to avoid handshaking because of their freakish hands
- Avoid meeting people in person (need to catfish the hinge date)
- Make sure that burger looks human
- The downside risk of not solving a puzzle properly or the best risks being “exposed” and this causes the player to lose the game
- Make this game more about social anxiety or something
- The alien is super anxious about being found out
- The Alien wants to deceive certain people to achieve goal + Make it mysterious, slowly reveal what the Alien wants
- Is flipping burgers and feels down on his luck, wants to go home
- Has to answer college admissions questions to stanford
- Has to make up stuff about history for favorite event
- Talk about familial struggle
- Has to get ins with the Professor’s son at the Frat Party
- Frat party
- Someone seems interested in him romantically
- Date scenario, otherwise people will suspect him
- Menu Puzzle
- A back and forth between professor in mech E department to try and acquire parts for their spaceship
- With college degree has a much better job as an engineer
- Super successful
- Finds more fulfillment with life in America and chooses to stay