Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype?

Question 1: How long should the question rounds take place?

This is important to answer because to make the game most fun, rounds should not be too long such that too much information is received or too short such that not enough information is received. Here an experience prototype would work best in having people playtest the game and seeing which amount of time feels correct. My guess is that we’ll want a time limit shorter than spyfall since there might be multiple rounds of questions.

Question 2: What format should people receive their roles in?

This is important to answer because role assignment is one of the foundational parts of our game. We might want to test assigning roles through cards and experimenting with the amount of information to leave on a card. My guess is that using a card with the role written should suffice. 

Question 3: How will people fail or succeed our “missions”?

Our game includes a mission-like mechanic in the resistance. Consequently, we’ll want to figure out how people fail the mission. We could test this with cards, or with a go to sleep-like mechanic in mafia where the infiltrator votes while everyone else’s eyes are closed. My guess is that cards will work fine, but using a narrator to facilitate a go to sleep moment could be more fun. 

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