P1: Playtest Observations

Playtest 1 (10/5)

Setting the Rules

We started off with some basic rules, allowed actions, a few recipe cards, advantage cards, and ingredient cards.


Starting Rules (not set):

-> every player gets one recipe and 2 ingredient
-> person who cooked most recently gets to go first

Action Options Each Turn:
-> trade three different ingredients for an advantage card (turn ends)
-> pull an ingredient 1
-> trade with someone else (advantage cards or ingredients)


Observations During Playtesting 

For the playtest, we had 4 players, and jotted down notes as they played:

-> there were a lot of friendly communication and trading that just happened naturally
-> some players ended up collecting an abundance of the same ingredient
-> players had a hard time getting new ingredients

-> some players bluffed, advertised their needs, made pointless trades (spinach for spinach), or made demands (3 ingredient for a desperately wanted egg)
-> many players kept looking for the same ingredients every round

-> early rounds felt slow (players did not have enough cards to work with)
-> players instinctively wanted to play advantage cards right after they got them



-> game was easy to learn 

-> it was too difficult to get advantage cards



-> make advantage cards easier to get, but less powerful

-> allowed to with the deck as an option

-> maybe start with three ingredients

-> maybe have more recipes, and different points based on recipe difficulty


Future Steps:


-> can trade 3 of the same ingredients for something in the store

-> players can have 2 recipe cards at a time, different points based on complexity

-> make advantage cards weaker, but cost 2 ingredients

-> once a player reaches 20 stars, the game ends

-> add more ingredients + recipes


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