Games, Design, and Play


For my game of choice I chose Risk of Rain 2. It is an action-shooter focused on acquiring powerups before progressing to progressively harder levels. It consists of the elements of


In Risk of Rain 2, you can move, sprint, shoot from a third person shooter perspective. You can interact( with several different types of objects) and use up to four abilities in addition to your regular shooting. The Goals of the game are numerous and hierarchical

  1. At the top of the hierarchy is killing the final boss at the end of the game
  2. surviving each level on the way to the final boss
  3. completing each level fast enough while collecting enough items
  4. collecting items by killing enemies and gaining money
  5. surviving enemies and navigating the world around you

of the game is to beat the final boss at the end of the game, by collecting enough powerups on each level but also completing the level fast enough to avoid the difficulty spike.

The Rules:

When your health reaches zero you die.

You cannot use abilities on cooldown.

Each ability your character has, has a cooldown, that can be affected by items. Each character has a unique movement effect ( The Commander can dodge roll, the bandit can turn invisible and dash).

Each enemy’s attacks do damage your health.

Each enemy can come in different colored variations, with unique auras, increased fire rate or damage.

Some interactables require money, if you don’t have enough money, you can’t get them.

There is a timer with 5 minute increments. Each 5-minute segment allows more enemies to appear, and for them to do more damage.


Power-ups are gained through chests and give the character new effects( like a kill- aura, or critical hit)

Playspace: The Playspace are the levels consisting of alien worlds you are dropped into.

Players: Space Pirates( I think), controlled by a computer

2. One mod I loved for Team fortress 2, was to change the goal of the team-based first-person-shooter into basketball. It was weird and strange. I think another example I’d like to try is to change the goal of Minecraft to that of Doom. You are trapped in the Nether and are sent there to kill all the demons before you can leave. With this new goal, the focus of crafting game is less on creativity and more on twitch-movement, reflexes, and learning ghast-jutsu to deflect their fire charges.


  1. Real time Game: Counter strike 2
  • Character walks.
  • Character reloads and buys a pistol.
  • Character walks toward B site.
  • Character gets 2 headshots.
    Character dies.

Turn-based strategy game: BattleTech

  • Select Mech.
  • Move mech to be perpendicular to enemy.
  • Aim character to shoot enemy.
  • Check hit chance.
  • Use Sensor lock ability to lower enemy evasiveness
  • Shoot, lower enemy armor. Now it’s enemy Turn.

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