Critical Play — Games of Chance

For this critical play, I played poker with a group of friends in person. While I made money and usually do by playing fairly tightly, I found that I had no incentive to stop playing the game. Even when I had a couple of hands that I ended up folding immediately, I was still pretty invested watching other people lose and win money. Generally, poker is a game of skill and chance that requires strategy, critical thinking, and decision-making. The uncertainty and unpredictability of outcomes can create a thrill and excitement, leading to an adrenaline rush. This emotional rollercoaster can be addictive for individuals who enjoy the highs and lows associated with gambling.

Also, I find poker to be pretty entertaining because I mostly play in groups of all guy and find that guys are surprised when I win hands or make a lot of money. I really enjoy invoking the ‘shock factor,’ and my favorite part of the game is the rush that I get when I win with a really good hand and get a lot of comments from people around me. Another reason that poker can be pretty addicting is because of its social nature. Poker is often played in a social setting, whether it’s at a casino, home game, or online platform. The social aspect of the game, including interacting with other players, bluffing, and reading opponents, can be highly engaging and stimulating. The desire for social connection and validation can contribute to the addictive nature of poker.

Lastly, poker offers a sense of mastery and improvement over time. As players gain experience and develop their skills, they may feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This continuous learning process and the pursuit of becoming a better player can be addictive, as individuals strive to reach new levels of proficiency and success.

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