Critical Play – Mysteries

Gone Home is an immersive walking simulator game that highlights the power of game narratives when done well. Developed by The Fullbright Company, the game is designed for casual gamers who enjoy unraveling mysteries and experiencing captivating narratives.

The game places the player in the shoes of Katie, who has just returned home from studying abroad to find her family’s mansion completely empty. As Katie explores the abandoned mansion, the player must uncover clues and solve puzzles to piece together the story of what happened to her family. While the game’s mechanics are straightforward, the mystery elements are skillfully incorporated, adding depth and intrigue to the gameplay experience.

Though the game does not have traditional skill loops, it has a repeating loop of discovering objects and examining them to understand their relevance to the overarching narrative. The objects provide valuable information that often lead to the next portion of the story arc, which is explained through the small excerpts of Katie’s sister’s journal. These arcs progress the player through the mansion, unlocking different regions and connecting the story in a way that is both satisfying and immersive. As most mysteries do, the game starts with an eerie and ominous tone, setting up the expectation of a horror-mystery type of game. However, as the story unfolds, the player begins to understand that the game’s narrative is more of a love story, which I personally thought was a unique approach to the mystery genre, especially because I was expecting a jump-scare every few seconds during the first few minutes of the game.

While the game’s mechanics are limited, the narrative is the driving force behind Gone Home’s appeal. The game’s use of object discovery as a general impetus for pushing the player through the game is well executed. Personally, I thought the game’s pace was a bit slow and might not be for everyone, but those who appreciate an engaging story and a well-crafted mystery will definitely enjoy Gone Home. Due to the nature of the walking sim genre, I felt that the publishers did the best they could to incorporate some more engaging game mechanisms such as finding keys or unlocking combinations to make it a bit more engaging.

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