Critical Play: Factory Balls

Factory Balls

Factory Balls is a puzzle game developed by Bart Bonte. The game is offered on various platforms including Steam, App Store, and Google Play, but the first 25 levels can be played for free on browser at In the game, the objective is to utilize the available tools and materials to replicate a ball design.

The age rating for Factory Balls is 4+, so it can be enjoyed by a wide audience, from young children to older adults. The game mechanics and graphic design is very simple and easy to understand which makes Factory Ball accessible to both casual and experienced gamer. However, since it is a puzzle game, Factory Balls is more appealing to a target audience that enjoys brain teasers, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Factory Balls Forever html5

Analysis of Formal Elements + Types of Fun

  1. Tools: Players interact with various tools to modify the appearance of their ball to match the desired design on the box. These tools can include different colors of paint, stencils, hats, or even seeds and watering cans. Each level offers a different variety of tools, and each tool has a specific function and can be used in different combinations for the player to achieve the desired design. Tools allow for a wide range of possible combinations, giving the player the autonomy to experiment and come up with unique solutions. Players must figure out how each tool functions, allowing for discovery, and must come up with a personal, unique way to replicate the ball’s design, allowing for expression.
  2. Strategic Sequence of Actions: To match the target ball design, players must apply the tools in a specific order. Although there are various solutions to each level, players are required to think strategically and plan the sequence of their actions accordingly. Every level represents an individual challenge, and players must unlock a correct sequence to progress, encouraging innovative and problem-solving thinking.
  3. Increasing Difficulty + Replayability: Levels progressively increase in difficulty as designs take more steps to replicate and more complex tools are introduced. As players progress through the levels, they will get a sense of this increasing difficulty, and overcoming each level (especially higher ones) will provide players with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The large number of levels combined with various possible solutions per level also allows for high replayability– despite the simple gameplay, replayability keeps players from getting bored.
  4. Interactive Nature: The gameplay is engaging yet simple, requiring players to interact with tools to reach their objective. This manipulation of tools and materials creates a tactile, immersive experience. Furthermore, players get a sense of additional satisfaction in seeing their ball transform immediately in response to their actions, which makes Factory Balls engaging and even addicting.

Level 12 Gameplay

Conclusion + Improvements

Overall, I find Factory Balls to be an incredibly addicting puzzle game. It can be picked up in seconds and is challenging enough yet achievable. I’m inclined to believe that this balance between difficulty and achievability is what puts players into flow states. Before I knew it, I had completed the first 25 levels.

I also personally enjoyed the element of creative expression. Experimenting with different tools and combinations to design my ball made me feel like an artist, even though I was only replicating a design.

In terms of improvements, multiplayer functionality could add an exciting social and competitive aspect. Players can compete against each other to see who can complete the levels faster or with fewer moves– this will add a new sense of urgency, higher engagement, and more strategic planning.

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