P2 Checkpoint 1: Individual Deliverable

Emotions to evoke: mysteriousness, curiosity, wonder


Spotify playlilst: Train of Ghosts

Different directions this game could take:

  1. You as an alive human trying to help ghosts find closure so they can escape the train and go to heaven.
    1. Each car has one ghost.
    2. You wander through the ghost’s mind and solve puzzles by identifying what they need for their closure.
    3. Each car is independent of one another so you can freely navigate between each car.
  2. You as a fellow ghost (at first you didn’t know – you thought you are an alive human) amongst all other ghosts in the train trying to figure out what has caused the train accident that killed everyone who are now ghosts you see on the train.
    1. There are clues on the train. You navigate freely across all cars in the train to find clues in order to solve the mystery of the train accident.
    2. You only realized at the end that you are also a ghost when you looked at yourself in a mirror and realized that the ticket you own has the same date as the train accident.
    3. Final scene is emotional. Going to heaven with all other ghosts and all other ghosts thank you for freeing them from the train since you solved the mystery and everyone has their closure.
  3. You as a ghost trying to find your own closure so you can stop wandering in the human world on the train to go to heaven.
    1. Each train car is an episode in your life: from child era to before you died. You have to find one artifact to bring with you from the previous car to the next car as artifacts connect episodes of your life.
    2. Start from the end of the train car and advance forward. The gameplay is linear. You can only advance into the next car if you correctly solved all puzzles by choosing the correct artifact to bring with you onto the next car.

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